February 13


Hey, so today I am writing about weaving because during the summer my grandmother was kind enough to show me how to weave. I had always thought weaving was pretty impossible to do and was a little reluctant but once she showed me how to weave I realized that weaving is pretty amazing and surprisingly easy it is the perfect activity for someone who likes activities that are relaxing. So far I have made two weavings the first one I started during the summer and finished it and the second one I made it for my mom as a surprise Christmas present let me show you a picture.

Okay so here is the one I made for my mom.

unfortunately I could not find my first weaving sorry. 😞  I like to think of this when I try new things and remind myself to be open to trying new ideas or activities who knows how much you might like them and I hope you’ll think about this post when trying new things. Bye 👋

This is a picture of one of my projects!

February 10

Perfect Planet

Okay so hi 👋 this blog post is exactly what it sounds like I pretty much made up a perfect planet and i’ll tell you why so in LA we are reading this book called The Last Cuentista here is a picture of the cover.

So in the book Halley’s Comet is knocked off course by a solar flare and starts heading straight toward Earth so Petra (Pey-Trah), her family, and a few other selected humans were chosen to board a ship to go to a new planet called Sagan. After we read the book our teacher asked us to create a planet where Petra and her family were going to. Now instead of going to a planet I decided to say they had crash-landed on a planet. The planet is called Thalahassa witch  is the greek word for ocean, I named it that because Thalahassa has no land and only water so when the humans crashed on that planet they used the remains of the ship to modify their bodies to make them more aquatic and to show this I made a diagram and here it is.

I can also show you a picture of Thalahassa that I made.


So that is my planet I hope this post inspired you to make up your own planet with everything that you want on there until next time. 🙋🏼‍♀️